The Jarvis Guarantee: Hiring Software Development Consultants

When it comes to hiring software development consultants, businesses want to know that they are getting the best possible talent for their projects. At Jarvis, we understand the importance of delivering high-quality consultants.  Not only do they need to integrate seamlessly into a team, they also must perform at a high level with promising long-term career success. This is where the Jarvis Guarantee comes in. We developed a guarantee to help clients feel confident when hiring software development consultants from our talent pool.

What is the Jarvis Guarantee?

The Jarvis Guarantee is a promise made by Jarvis to our clients looking for talent. As part of the guarantee, we promise that all our consultants will:

  • be seamlessly integrated into client teams within three months;

  • perform at a high level throughout their two-year engagement;

  • receive career development and performance support;

  • have the option to be converted to full-time employees free of charge after two years.

The purpose of the Jarvis Guarantee is to provide clients and consultants with the knowledge, resources, and tools for a successful engagement. The implementation of the Jarvis Guarantee involves ongoing and dedicated support on both the client and consultant sides. The Guarantee is presented to all new clients during and after the client-consultant matching process. It is also reiterated throughout the two-year engagement as a way to provide managers with an understanding and confidence in the support offered by Jarvis.

How We Integrate Software Development Consultants to Client Teams

To ensure the seamless integration of Jarvis consultants into a client team, monthly check-ins are required with both the consultant and hiring manager. These check-ins provide an opportunity to oversee, monitor, and support the consultant’s integration. Throughout this time, support is provided where needed through additional training, resources, or similar. At the end of the three-month period, the hiring manager is asked to complete a Consultant Integration Sign-off which indicates they believe the consultant can succeed on their team. If a successful sign-off cannot be provided, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is initiated.

What Is The Performance Improvement Plan?

To ensure high performance and retention throughout their two-year placement, the Jarvis team will consistently check in with both the client and our software development consultant. If at any point the consultant is having performance issues, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is to be initiated.

The purpose of initiating a Performance Improvement Plan is to monitor, support, and correct issues and concerns regarding a consultant's performance. The goal is to build a growth environment that supports high performance and enables retention throughout the consultant's two-year engagement. By developing a detailed action plan, we can help the growth and development of the software development consultant, while ensuring the client has a valued team member supporting their business.

Free Full-Time Conversion After Two Years

As mentioned, the consultant’s performance is guaranteed throughout their two-year engagement with the client. As such, it is likely the client will want to convert the consultant to full-time employment after their engagement. At Jarvis, we will facilitate the conversion of a consultant to a full-time employee at no additional charge.

The Jarvis Guarantee is our commitment to ensuring successful client and consultant engagement. By providing ongoing and dedicated support, we can deliver high-quality software development consultants that seamlessly integrate into a client's team, perform at a high level, and have a successful long-term career. We believe that this commitment is essential to building long-lasting relationships with our clients and helping them succeed.

Interested in learning about our consultant success stories? Learn about how Jaini went from placement to full-time at CIBC in only 8 months.

Companies like Deloitte, Sunlife, Canada Trust use our Technical Consulting Program to find talent. Interested in learning more? Connect with us.

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